How To Get The Most Out Of Your Lead Generation Landing Page

Posted by Baylie McGrady on
Digital Marketing Specialist. Graduate of Slippery Rock University. Web content is her thing.

Quick Summary: Lead generation landing pages are essential tools for converting visitors into leads. By incorporating effective lead magnets, compelling Calls-To-Action, and mobile optimization, businesses can increase conversions. Selecting the right lead magnet and using social proof enhances credibility and engagement. Testing page elements and optimizing follow-up strategies are crucial for maximizing lead conversion. Additionally, driving traffic to landing pages through social media, email marketing, and SEO ensures a steady flow of potential leads, making these pages a key component in successful marketing strategies.

Surveys are a powerful marketing tool that provides valuable insight and can be used to better get to know an audience and conduct research for a product or project. Surveys can help you obtain valuable information about your current or potential customers to help inform your marketing messages, strategies, and campaigns. But how does the information gained from a survey translate into more qualified leads and higher conversion rates with your target market? Let’s dive in and find out! 

Optimize Your Lead Generation Landing Page For Maximum ROI

Lead generation is the lifeblood of any great marketing strategy, and in many industries for both B2B and B2C, landing pages are the engines that power it. When done right, these pages can turn visitors into contacts, kickstarting customer relationships. Let’s dive deeper into how landing pages effectively capture leads, how to build a landing page, and why they are essential for your lead generation efforts.

Remember, it’s not just about attracting numbers; it’s about crafting an experience that resonates with your audience and encourages them to engage.

Lead Magnets & Landing Pages

A lead magnet is a valuable resource or incentive offered to potential customers in exchange for their contact information – typically an email address. It’s the digital equivalent of a free sample at a grocery store, designed to give visitors a taste of what you have to offer while capturing their interest (and their email) for future marketing efforts.

Lead magnets are a critical component of any successful lead generation strategy. The entire purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads, and the lead magnet is the tool that makes this happen. Contingent on the type of magnet, this user could be high funnel or very interested in a purchase immediately. Properly segmenting your contacts can help ensure you provide the correct marketing messages moving forward after they provide their information. 

Types of Lead Magnets

Numerous types of lead magnets can be used, depending on the needs and preferences of your target audience. Here are some of the most popular:

bam lead magnet types

1. eBooks and Guides:

What It Is: A downloadable document that provides in-depth information on a specific topic.

Why It Works: eBooks and guides are valuable because they offer detailed insights or step-by-step instructions that solve a problem or answer a question the visitor has.

Example: “Download the Clean Water Playbook!” This is an example of a lead magnet that BAM created for Culligan Water. This magnet has led to over 12,000 email subscribers!

2. Checklists and Cheat Sheets:

What It Is: A simple, easy-to-digest list of actionable steps or tips.

Why It Works: Checklists and cheat sheets are quick wins for visitors. They provide a handy reference that visitors can use right away.

Example: “The Complete Checklist for Cleaning Your AC Unit”

3. Webinars and Video Training:

What It Is: A live or recorded video presentation that educates the audience on a specific topic.

Why It Works: Webinars offer the opportunity to engage directly with your audience, while also demonstrating your expertise.

Example: “How to Fix a Clogged Sink With Household Items”

4. Free Trials, Offers, and Samples:

What It Is: Access to your product or service for a limited time or a sample of what you offer.

Why It Works: This type of lead magnet allows potential customers to experience your offering firsthand, lowering the barrier to purchase.

Example: “Get a Free Consultation”

landing page example culligan

5. Quizzes and Assessments:

What It Is: Interactive tools that provide personalized results based on the visitor’s input.

Why It Works: People love learning more about themselves, and quizzes are a fun way to engage visitors while collecting valuable data.

Example: “Does Your Furnace Need To Be Replaced?”

6. Case Studies and Success Stories:

What It Is: Detailed accounts of how your product or service has helped others.

Why It Works: Case studies build credibility by showing real-world examples of your product’s success. They’re especially effective for B2B marketing.

Example: Let’s say you’re marketing an HVAC service. A case study might detail how a local commercial building’s outdated HVAC system was leading to high energy costs and inconsistent temperatures and how your business provided them with solutions. 

7. Discounts and Coupons:

What It Is: A special offer that provides a discount or promotion.

Why It Works: Everyone loves a good deal. Offering a discount in exchange for contact information is a straightforward way to boost conversions.

Example: “Get 20% Off Your First Service” or “Free Diagnostic Test”

8. Templates:

What It Is: Pre-made documents, spreadsheets, or resources that visitors can use and customize for their own needs.

Why It Works: Templates save visitors time and effort, making them highly valuable. They’re particularly popular in industries where efficiency is key.

Example: “Monthly Energy Savings Tracker”

9. Exclusive Access:

What It Is: Early or exclusive access to new content, products, or events.

Why It Works: People love being in the know or getting access to something before others. This type of lead magnet creates a sense of exclusivity and urgency.

Example: “Get Early Access to Our Seasonal Maintenance Program”

Choosing the Right Lead Magnet for a Landing Page

Choosing the right lead magnet for your landing page is important if you want to boost those conversions. Think about who your audience is and what might get them excited enough to share their contact info. Here are some tips for figuring out the best lead magnet to go with:

Get to Know Your Audience:
Do a little digging to find out what your audience really cares about—what’s bugging them, what they like, and what they prefer. You can conduct surveys, do social media polls, or check out your analytics for the scoop.

Tip: Make your lead magnet really hit home by focusing on the specific problems your audience is dealing with.

Test Out Different Ideas:
Don’t shy away from trying out a bunch of lead magnets! A/B testing is where it’s at for figuring out what vibes with your crowd.
For Example:  If you’re torn between offering a discount or a free assessment, why not try them both? Put them both onto different landing pages and see which one gives you better results?

Think About What’s in It for Them:
Make sure the value of what you’re offering is way better than what they think they’re giving up by handing over their email or contact info.
Tip: Make the perks of your lead magnet super visible on the landing page so it grabs visitors’ attention!

How to Build a Landing Page That Actually Gets Leads

Define the Primary Goal for Your Landing Page

Let’s kick things off with the first big step in making your lead generation landing page a hit: figuring out what the heck you want it to do! What action do you want your visitors to take? Are you trying to collect email addresses for a newsletter, get people to sign up for a free trial, or push a downloadable resource like an eBook? Nail down that goal because it shapes what your page looks like and what it says. You cannot work on creating the page itself until these things are defined.

When you’re setting your goal, keep these in mind:

  • Be Specific: Don’t just throw out a fuzzy goal like “generate leads.” Get down to the nitty-gritty about what kind of leads you’re after. If you want to gather info for future sales, make sure your call-to-action (CTA) screams something like “Get Your Free Demo!”
  • Know Your Audience: You’ve got to understand who your ideal customers are. Your landing page should talk directly to them, hitting their needs and pain points. Make your messaging click with this group, addressing their specific challenges while offering up some real solutions.
  • Set Clear Metrics: Figure out how you’re going to know if you’re killing it or not. Is it about hitting a number of sign-ups each week or aiming for a 10% conversion rate? By laying out those concrete metrics, you can actually measure your success.

How to Measure Success

To get the most out of your lead generation landing pages, you need to track and measure their performance. You want to determine how you will measure this success by determining key metrics prior to launching the landing page. Key metrics include:

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who complete the form and become leads. A low conversion rate might indicate that your offer isn’t compelling enough, or your form is too long.
  • Cost Per Lead (CPL): The total cost of driving traffic to the landing page divided by the number of leads generated. This metric helps you understand the efficiency of your lead generation efforts.
  • Lead Quality: Not all leads are created equal. Assess the quality of leads by looking at their engagement with your follow-up content and how many eventually convert into paying customers.

By regularly analyzing these metrics, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your landing pages for even better lead generation results.

Step-By-Step Process of Creating a Lead Generation Landing Page

1. Create a Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first thing a potential customer will see, so make it count. It needs to be clear, engaging, and directly tied to the value you’re offering. If your headline doesn’t grab attention fast, you’ll be seeing a high bounce rate. Keep it simple, keep it relevant, and write your page a strong headline!

2. Write Engaging Copy

Once you’ve nailed that attention-grabbing headline, it’s time to get your visitors hooked with engaging copy and landing page design. This is your chance to showcase the benefits of what you’re offering, so make the most of it. Here are some key pointers to write copy that turns visitors into leads:

Focus on Benefits, Not Features

When detailing what you’re offering, it’s crucial to highlight the benefits rather than just listing features. Users want to know how your product or service will make their lives better or solve a specific problem. For example, instead of saying, “Our software includes powerful analytics tools,” elevate your copy to something like, “Unlock insights that help you make data-driven decisions and boost your business growth.” Always connect the dots for the reader—show them what’s in it for them!

Use Clear and Actionable Language

Clarity is your best friend. Use straightforward language that tells your audience exactly what they can expect. Also, employ action verbs that encourage the reader to engage further. Phrases like “Start Your Free Trial Today” or “Download Your Free Guide Now” create a sense of urgency and compel users to take the desired action.

3. Visuals That Sell

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a bad picture is worth a thousand bounces. Your visuals should complement your message, not overshadow it. Use high-quality images that resonate with your target audience and, if possible, showcase your product or service in action. Check out the example below.

The image above showcases a banner designed for a landing page. In this case, BAM produced a banner specifically for Culligan of Tampa’s social media campaign. The banner features badges that reinforce Culligan’s reputation as a trusted brand with a satisfaction guarantee. Now, let’s shift our focus to the actual product images—there are plenty! This display effectively highlights the amazing offerings available for under $10 a month.

landing page example from culligan

4. Irresistible Offers

What are you offering in exchange for that precious contact information? Whether it’s a free eBook, a discount, or a trial, make sure it’s something your audience actually wants. And of course, make sure the offer makes sense for your business, and is something your audience actually wants. 

5. Forms – Keep ‘Em Short & Sweet

Nobody wants to feel like they’re applying for a mortgage just to get a freebie. Keep your forms short and sweet—ask for only the information you absolutely need. The fewer fields, the better. Trust me, your conversion rate will thank you.

You may be wondering what information you’re collecting here. Well, it depends on your goal.

Is your primary objective to generate potential leads for a specific marketing campaign, or are you trying to build a more comprehensive database for future outreach? Tailor your form fields to match your objectives.

For example, if you’re offering a free webinar, asking for just an email, first name, and perhaps a question they hope to address during the session will suffice.

However, if you’re looking for qualified leads for a complex B2B service, you might want to gather additional information to segment your audience effectively, like company size or industry. Just remember, every extra field you add can diminish your conversion rate.

Here’s an example of a simple form that collects all of the important things the business needs from their customer. 

form example from culligan

6. Calls-To-Action That Work

Your CTA is the closer—the final nudge your visitors need to take the plunge. Make it bold, make it obvious, and make it actionable. Avoid generic call to action buttons like “Submit”. Instead, use something like “Get My Free Guide” or “Start My Free Trial.” And don’t be afraid to add a little urgency—nobody wants to miss out on a good thing.

7. Social Proof: Tell Me You Love Me!

People are naturally skeptical. They want to know that others have gone before them and lived to tell the tale. That’s where social proof comes in. Customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies can be the deciding factor for visitors on the fence. Sprinkle these social proofs throughout your landing page to gain trust.

reviews example from culligan

8. Mobile Optimization

In case you’ve been living under a rock, most people will view your landing page on their mobile devices. If you’re ignoring mobile UX, you will NOT have high-converting landing pages. Make sure your page looks great and functions smoothly on all devices, or you’ll be left behind faster than dial-up internet.

9. Test, Tweak, Repeat

No lead generation landing page is perfect right out of the gate. A/B testing is your best friend. Test different headlines, images, offers, and CTA buttons to see what resonates with your audience. And then, tweak it. Repeat this process until you’re getting the most conversions possible.

10. Don’t Forget About the Data

Finally, keep an eye on the numbers. Use analytics to track your lead generation landing page’s performance and identify where visitors might be dropping off. The data doesn’t lie, so let it guide your next move. If something isn’t working, fix it. If something is working, do more of it. Simple as that.

This data can be priceless. It gives you the inside scoop on your target audience, their user experience, and tells you if what you’re doing is working.

11. The Follow-Up: Turning Leads Into Customers

You’ve captured lead information, now what? Follow-up marketing is crucial to turning a lead into a customer. This is where your email marketing campaigns come into play. With the data collected from your lead generation landing page, you can tailor your follow-up efforts to the lead’s specific needs and interests.

For instance, if someone downloaded the Clean Water Playbook we discussed earlier, the follow-up emails could provide additional tips, invite them to a related webinar, or offer a consultation to discuss how your services can help them achieve their goals. By nurturing the lead with relevant content and offers, you build trust and guide them further down the sales funnel.

12. Segmentation and Personalization

One of the biggest advantages of capturing leads through a lead generation landing page is the ability to segment your audience. Based on the information provided in the form, you can categorize leads into different segments. For example, leads from a free trial might be closer to making a purchasing decision than those who just signed up for an eBook.

Segmentation allows you to personalize your marketing efforts. Personalized follow-ups—such as emails that address the lead by name and offer content relevant to their specific interests—are more likely to engage the lead and move them towards conversion. This level of personalization not only improves the user experience but also increases the chances of turning leads into loyal customers.

How to Get Potential Customers to Your Landing Page

So, you’ve got this amazing lead generation landing page, perfectly optimized to convert leads like a charm. But here’s the catch—no one’s going to appreciate your masterpiece if no one knows it exists! Getting people to your landing page is like throwing the perfect party—you need to send out the invites, make it impossible to say no, and maybe even add a little bribe (lead magnet). How to drive traffic to your page:

how to lead customers to landing pages

1. Social Media

Use catchy posts, eye-popping visuals, and clever captions that make people think, “I need to check this out right now!” And they will be running to your page.

2. Email Marketing

Who doesn’t love a good teaser? Tempt your email list with a small tease to lead them to your landing page. Include a call to action that’s as irresistible!

3. Search Engine

SEO is your ticket to being found on the vast expanse of the internet. Sprinkle your landing page with the right keywords and let search engines take it away.

4. Content

Write blog posts, record podcasts, or shoot videos that are so valuable people will want to click through to your landing page to learn more.

5. Influencers

Partner with influencers who can talk up your landing page like it’s the next big thing. Whether they’re micro or macro, their endorsement can turn their audience into your traffic.

6. Retargeting

Retargeting is your way of saying, “Hey, remember that awesome landing page you almost clicked on? You should totally check it out now.”

7. Guest Blogging

Write a guest post for a popular blog in your niche, and sneak in a link to your lead generation landing page. 

P.S. If any popular marketing blogs are reading this, call me!

8. Webinars

Host a webinar that’s packed with value, and use your landing page as the gateway to join. People love learning new things, especially when it’s free. Plus, it’s a great way to showcase your expertise while capturing those leads.

By using these methods, you’ll not only attract visitors but also get them engaged and excited to take action.

Let’s Wrap it Up

In the competitive landscape of lead generation, your landing page is your stage, and maximizing its potential requires a strategic approach. By using a combination of tools, you can drive targeted traffic and convert visitors into valuable leads.

Continually test and optimize your strategies to find what works best for your brand. With persistence and creativity, your lead generation landing page can become a powerhouse for growth and success.